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Landmark partnership through environmental, social and economic agreements.

​Yorta Yorta Agreements​

Yorta Yorta Co-Operative Management Agreement

While the Yorta Yorta were found by the Federal Court not to meet the legal standard of native title, the State recognises that the Yorta Yorta have a connection to their country. To acknowledge this, in 2004 the State entered into a cooperative management agreement with the Yorta Yorta to facilitate greater cooperation between the Yorta Yorta and Government in management of their country.



The Yorta Yorta Co-operative Management Agreement was the first Victorian agreement reached outside the native title process. It established the Yorta Yorta Joint Body which allows the Yorta Yorta to be formally involved in the management of their traditional lands and waters.
The Co-operative Management Agreement applies to designated areas of Crown land in Yorta Yorta country in north central Victoria.
The below YYJB/YYN agency referral form should be used by State agencies and other relevant bodies who are obliged to refer matters to the YYJB in accordance with the Yorta Yorta Co-operative Management Agreement 2004


​Yorta Yorta Traditional Owner Land Management Agreement
In October 2010, the State entered into a Traditional Owner Land Management Agreement (TOLMA) for the joint management of Barmah National Park. The TOLMA enables the establishment of the Yorta Yorta Traditional Owner Land Management Board for Barmah National Park (known as the Barmah Board). Find out more about the Barmah Board.

In October 2010, the State of Victoria entered into a Traditional Owner Land Management Agreement (TOLMA) with the Yorta Yorta people, to establish the Yorta Yorta Traditional Owner Land Management Board for Barmah National Park (the Barmah Board).


This approach to joint management of Barmah National Park will benefit both Yorta Yorta People and the wider community through incorporating Yorta Yorta culture and knowledge into park management, conserving, protecting and enhancing natural and cultural values and providing tourism and educational experiences. More information about joint management can be found on the Joint Management page.


The agreement builds on the State’s ongoing commitment to work with the Yorta Yorta people for improved land management outcomes.

​Vic Roads Agreement 

A landmark agreement between Vic Roads and the Yorta Yorta on 18 December 2003 formalised a partnership between us as the traditional owner group and Victoria’s road authority.

The agreement, applies to an area of approximately 6,500 square km between Cohuna, Euroa and Corowa in northern Victoria.
Key features of the agreement include:

- a commitment to ongoing consultation with Yorta Yorta Nation during the planning, construction and maintenance of road projects;
- processes relating to cultural heritage identification and protection during all stages of road projects;
- processes for the provision of targeted resourcing and training assistance to Yorta Yorta Nation;
- a framework for the creation of project-specifi c agreements that can be used to specify process and operational details; and,
- a dispute resolution procedure.
The Vic Roads Agreement was recently updated to align with the Victorian Cultural Heritage Reforms 2007 . All parties have signed off on the updated version.


Copyright 2012. Yorta Yorta Nation Aboriginal Corporation - DISCLAIMER

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About YYNAC​

Overview of YYNAC

Consolidated Rule Book

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Registered Aboriginal Party

What is Registered Aboriginal Party?

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Fees, Forms and FAQ's


Cooperative and Joint Land Management 

Yorta Yorta Joint Body 

Traditional Owner Land Management Board 

Vicroads Agreement

Woka Walla 

Economic Development 




Map of YYNAC

Caring for Our Country

Rangers Program
Indigenous Protects Area
Language Program 

Youth Journey

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