Aboriginal Corporation
​​Learning From Our Past. Looking to Our Future. Sustaining Our Culture.
Kwat Kwat
Yalaba Yalaba
Yorta Yorta Language
In 2009 the Yorta Yorta language program commenced with the purchase of a language database program called Miromaa. The program was developed to assist Traditional owners in recording and retention of language and traditional knowledge.
The language program provides part-time employment for two young Yorta Yorta women who add language to the database as well as interview and record information from Yorta Yorta elders and
the wider community.
The benefit of the program is that it allows for audio and video recordings to be included in the database, providing a holistic approach to data retention of the Yorta Yorta language and Traditional knowledge in one central location.

The information contained in Miromaa can be used by Yorta Yorta to teach language and pass traditional knowledge on to younger generations. The program has the capacity to be used to create publications as learning aids and will ensure that Traditional knowledge of country is not lost through time.

Yorta Yorta will continue to work on their language program into the future and also has plans to introduce cultural awareness workshops into schools in the region to enhance the wider communities understanding of the importance of Traditional knowledge to Yorta Yorta people and to our environment.